Riko Slamet Pardosi and
Ame are now friends
omg cry of fear art canon?!
Despite everything, it´s still you.
mohammad Sheikh kamaluddin sharon and
Ame are now friends
AHHH I wish Yabujin wasnt doxxed so he can make more music D:
AHHH typically i don’t post my art online but…here, its gabriel petting his pet cat 😀
Ame and
marceline. are now friends
keira x__x and
Ame are now friends
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{Hey I'm Ame, I luv drawing & listening to music. My favorite bands are: Disturbed, MCR, Kaneda7, 6arleyhuman, Yabujin, alice dj, Millionaires & Falling in reverse. I like more but those are my favorites!!! Also, yes I do art requests just nothing thats weird. Message me for more info ><3 !!! }

Riko Slamet Pardosi

mohammad Sheikh kamaluddin sharon



keira x__x

FRIENDSTER USER (year 2000’s)
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EMO’s NoT DeaD
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eat MUSIC sleep repeat
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I will find where you live