Krizzirk replied to the topic What is your hobby? in the forum The Lounge
Well, to be concise, I would say…Songwriting and Game Design
Krizzirk replied to the topic quick question… in the forum The Lounge
I applied to join the group
Krizzirk replied to the topic quick question… in the forum The Lounge
I applied to join the group.
Krizzirk replied to the topic The biggest mysteries you experienced in your life that you will likely never learn the explanation in the forum The Lounge
God exists
Krizzirk replied to the topic Get Started With Friendster in the forum Friendster Lobby
Greetings, everyone, I’m very glad to be here. I hope this website thrive and age well 🙂
Krizzirk‘s updated profile cover
Krizzirk's updated profile picture